Evangelism is connected to Prayer and Intercession
As believers we must understand that Evangelism and Prayer go hand in hand. Prayer is the motor that activates the Supernatural. Without Prayer you will never see greater manifestations during evangelism. There are people who evangelize without a prayer strong prayer life and will definitely see results because the word cannot return void, however, prayer releases greater power during evangelism. I have seen the greatest results of evangelism through strong prayer and intercession.
Act 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
Act 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Act 2:14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:
A great Evangelist must have a great prayer. Anybody can preach, but if we want to see a greater impact in this generation we must operate in the supernatural and that requires greater dimensions of prayer. A believer should have a close walk with God so that they can know the heart of God and manifest His heart on the earth. From the moment God saved my soul, I have been a man passionate for prayer and intercession. From days saved God had impressed in my heart to wake up early to seek His presence as a teenager. That hunger for prayer has increased more and more throughout the years and that has been one of the major secrets to our success after the grace of our Lord Jesus. Jesus, the Son of God, operated His ministry through a strong prayer life with His Father. If Jesus needed to pray to make impact His generation who are we not to follow in His footsteps. Jesus would stay up all night in prayer, wake up early for prayer, and depart from the crowds to be alone with God. That was the secret of His ministry. He never went out to the streets without being with the Father. He would win the victory before going out to the streets and therefore His impact continues to transform lives.
In the book of Acts, the first demonstration of Supernatural Evangelism was birthed through many days of prayer, intercession, and waiting on God. If you want to be an effective witness of Christ, you must develop a strong prayer life. An evangelist must become a great farmer and a great farmer not only plants seeds but understands that they must effectively plow the grounds for seed to be planted in good soil. Intercession is what plows the grounds of the hearts of men so that when the gospel is preached the seed is planted in fertile grounds. We cannot reach this generation with mechanical techniques, and just words of wisdom; we must have the demonstration of the Spirit. The greater the prayer life the greater the manifestations of the Spirit will follow.
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